I'm officially poor.  My husband won't give me any money at all and it's super depressing.  I can't even afford some diapers for my fucking daughter.  What am I to do?  God, he's such a douche bag.  What kind of a father doesn't give his wife enough money to buy things for their daughter?  Fine, starve me, whatever.  But when he's bringing out daughter into our petty fights that's when it really starts to piss me the fuck off.  Jesus.
   Well, I've been job hunting like a crazy person.  I need to find something so I can pack up and get the fuck out.  Lately I've seen a lot of my friends turn to shit because baby daddies have left, I don't want to be like that.  My "new" friend, Jen, has a 5 year old and a husband who's in jail.  She's having to raise this child on her own without a car and a real place to live.  I mean, sure she has a place to live, if you call the basement of your friend's house a place to leave.  On the cold concrete.  Seriously.  How ridiculously shitty is that?  Not to mention, she's paying $400 a month for that.  And the mortgage for that piece of shit house is only $800.  And 5 other people live there.  In the regular part of the house.  I do not want to be like that.  I want to leave my husband and have an apartment all ready for me with Sheena at the front door.

Wow.  I'm going to bed.