I got a job at CitiGroup.  I'm a student loans collector.  I make decent money.  $12.21 an hour plus commission.  However, I don't want the job anymore.  I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to leave my baby with some random people.  I don't want to leave my daughter a daycare.  I say this as a slap her hand for being whiny.  lol.  Anyway, I don't want to go eight and a half hours a day without seeing her, then another 3 hours while I go to school.  It's too fucking depressing.  Sure, the money is going to great, but what's really fucked up is I have to pay for mine and her health insurance AND her daycare.  I can understand paying for her daycare since it's my choice to go back to work.  However, what the hell is up with me paying for healthcare when I'm married to a guy in the military who can get some of the best coverage in the US?  If not the best?

   Blah.  Anyway.  I'm irritated, sad and just down.  Maybe I'll do a vlog later if I can figure out how to make this camera work on the laplop.