About Me

Life Before Depression
While I think I've always been depressed, mostly the "outcast", I don't think it's always really terrible.  There are days when I feel like I'm on top of the world.  Then there are other days when I feel like killing myself.  It has nothing to do with moral standards or my family, just how I grew up.

When It Started
Exactly 6 years ago I began cutting my wrists.  At first it was not for attention, however slowly, it became for just that.  But not the kind of attention you're thinking of.  I needed the kind of attention to help me quit.  I would show my wrists to people as a cry for help.  But no one helped me.  So I continued cutting all through high school up until I found my husband.

My Life Now
Two years ago I moved in with my now-husband.  I quit cutting when I moved out of my parent's house.  It was too depressing there, full of anguish and hate.  But now I'm closer to my parents, mostly because they don't have to see me depressed, and I'm not depressed because of them.  Not to mention my daughter helps a lot too.  Seeing her smiling face every morning keeps me alive another day.  It's pretty much the only thing keeping me from causing harm to myself.

And Remember
I am not a doctor, this site is simply my point of view and what I've gone and am going through.  By no means am I trying to diagnose or tell you that you have depression. 
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