I Got the Job

November 14, 2008
  I got a job at CitiGroup.  I'm a student loans collector.  I make decent money.  $12.21 an hour plus commission.  However, I don't want the job anymore.  I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to leave my baby with some random people.  I don't want to leave my daughter a daycare.  I say this as a slap her hand for being whiny.  lol.  Anyway, I don't want to go eight and a half hours a day without seeing her, then another 3 hours while I go to school.  It's too fucking depressing.  Sure, the money is going to great, but what's really fucked up is I have to pay for mine and her health insurance AND her daycare.  I can understand paying for her daycare since it's my choice to go back to work.  However, what the hell is up with me paying for healthcare when I'm married to a guy in the military who can get some of the best coverage in the US?  If not the best?

   Blah.  Anyway.  I'm irritated, sad and just down.  Maybe I'll do a vlog later if I can figure out how to make this camera work on the laplop.

Never Looking Back Again

November 5, 2008
    I know that anorexia is a disease that people have because they don't understand how bad it is for you.  They don't necessarily choose to have it, and sometimes they don't even realize they have it.  But I've been considering diagnosing myself with it.  I'm not anorexic right now, but I know that it would help me lose weight.  I'm huge, fat, disgusting and ugly.  The only way I will ever be beautiful is if I'm thin.  I don't want to be gross anymore.  I don't want to be the fat friend out...
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Another Dollar, Another Day

October 28, 2008
   I'm officially poor.  My husband won't give me any money at all and it's super depressing.  I can't even afford some diapers for my fucking daughter.  What am I to do?  God, he's such a douche bag.  What kind of a father doesn't give his wife enough money to buy things for their daughter?  Fine, starve me, whatever.  But when he's bringing out daughter into our petty fights that's when it really starts to piss me the fuck off.  Jesus.
   Well, I've been job hunting like a crazy person.  I n...
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I Am [in]Significant

October 22, 2008
I am [not] kind.
I am [not] a leader.
I am [not] a good wife.
I am [not] smart.
I am [not] thin.
I am [not] organized.
I am [not] calm.
I am [not] abstinent.
I am [not] important.
I am [not] determined.
I am [not] optimistic.
I am [not] focused.
I am [not] beautiful.


I [am] a great mother.
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